SO...... It´s transfers!!!!!!
I have been called to stay here in Marília for one more transfer. That makes 4 here in marília. Man President sure does like to put me in one spot and keep me there for as long as possible it seems like lol. 6 months in Antares (Including the CTM), 6 months in Arapongas, and now 6 months here in Marília. I am going to be transferd almost certainly after this one. 3 areas, 2 zones, and 6 companions so far. not much but not many can say that they have had such statistics as I have had. I was looking back this week upo my companions. All of them have been or are zone leaders except for my son but he will when he is released as the executive secretary. I have been truly blessed with knowledegable companions.
But I am looking forward to have a new companion, to hear new stories, to have different teaching experiences, and to overcome new challenges.
This week we were able to have some success getting some really good people to church for the first time with a high probability of being baptized this weekend. We are without phone credit for a week so that complicates things a litle bit but it will all work out. I have faith.
I will let you guys in on the whole transfer change thing and who my companion is next week. I got to go shuttle everyone now. Talk to you guys next week! I love you!!!!
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