This week was pretty good. It was a pretty relaxing actually. I took a leader vacation doing splits in various cities and not having to touch a phone or having to resolve and serious problems. I was traveling around doing splits most of the time in two different cities, Assis and Ourinhos. I was able to baptize in my area as well as see a baptism in the two other areas as well. What I learned a lot this week was about the strong and simple truths of the gospel bring deep and everylasting happiness. You can be sad momentarily bad the gospel and Christ´s atonement changes not and will always be a sure foundation that will provide for you in all of life´s challenges. But it was just a nice week to reflect on the happiness that I have fore being a member of the church and serving as a full time missionary. My life is going pretty good. The mission is the same old same old at the moment. That is what happens when you have been in a single area for the past 6 months. Luckily transfers are next week and I highly doubt that I will be here any longer. Transfers are next week, so I am pretty excited for that. It is almost a 100 percent chance that i will be being transferred. It is crazy to think that I have only 8 more months left. Crazier is that Justin only has 4 more months left. That is like nothing!!! Time is sure flying! i am just as excited to go home as I am nervous I think. But super excited for the progression that will take place.
I love you guys! have a great week!
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