Lol we were running around this morning trying to find an internet café because literally everything is closed. We got a good 5k in and finally found one that was open. Man Brazil has too many holidays lol. Everyone, and I mean everyone has closed up shop today. But this one place. Thank goodness.
This week was not easy. But hey The warriors won the first round of the play offs 4-0! Lol. We had a trizone conference with President Pereira on tuesday and we learned a lot. That day I also had another interview with The Mission President. He was super excited for me. My President is a really good man.
He sent the APs to help us for two days this week because our area is massive. We have investigators spread out everywhere. It is like walking from our home in Lumberton to the soccer fields, then to the eye doctor on the other side of town, then going to walmart, then going back home. Each day... Needless to say, all that walking wears you out. Especially when you end up running it all because there is not sufficient time in the day to meet with everyone otherwise. But luckily we had the APs to help us. It is easier when you can divide the labor between two companionships.
But at the end of the week we ended up having eleven people prepared for baptism. Buuuuut.... every single one of them fell through... Everyone. Tough slug. But what can you do about the choices of others. Absolutely nothing. Just keep moving forward. Try and try again. It is not how hard a boxer hits that wins him the fight, it is how many times he can take a hit, get back up and keep going, while doing his part.
This week is the last week of the transfer but it is highly likely that Gomez and I will remain in our area together. But this week we will push to have our 12 investigators baptized this week. Pray for us!
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