Londrina, Brazil

Londrina, Brazil

Monday, July 10, 2017

Stressful week

Hey guys! How is it going? This week was pretty stressful for me and my son. We had to do a lot of rough work to get these two people to the Waters of baptism last saturday. They had lots of fear because their dad is hard core catholic and threatened us and told us to never come back and he told Jose and Olga that if we came back he would get his pistol, which is ilegal here in Brasil. So we did not go back. But we basically taught them all the lessons over the telephone. When got them to accept the baptismal invite and we picked them up at the corner of the block so that their dad did not see us. And they almost backed out at the end because their dad was taking a shower when the shower head caught fire. He did not realize until the flames started hitting his head. As a result the dude stayed in bed all day. Jose and Olga were worried about him, but we assured them that he would be fine and that it was in fact a miracle that God had done for them so that they could baptize in the church. They believed us and were baptized saturday night and confirmed at church sunday.God Works miracles in strange and misterious ways, but he does so that his work and his glory can roll forth among the children of men. But not this stress is off of our shoulders. I was also sick with the cold this past week. I have actually been sick with super bad allergies from the day that I got to this city, but I had the cold this past week, but staying in bed wont do me any good so we worked hard. God blesses those that sacrifice to increase God´s kingdom here upon the Earth. But this week we ought to have one more baptism. we have baptized 3 in 3 weeks now. The first thing I asked him was how many baptisms he would like to have in his training, what was his goal. He put up a goal of 15 baptisms in 12 weeks. I have never been able to achieve that but I put my trust in my son and God and we are going to work super hard and have been. And we have been blessed because of it. Just keep swimming! I hope you all have a good week this week! I love you guys!​

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