This week went by rather quickly. Me and Simon did lots of splits in other areas in the zone to help out. Unfortunately lots of people fell through on us and we weren´t able to have the results that we wanted. However, it looks like this week will be quite promissable. We have one baptism already lined up for this saturday. We have another kid that we are preparing to be baptized as well this saturday as well. My area is proving to be quite difficult but we are finding sucess baptizing the kids of less actives. It is a great experience because the parents and other siblings get excited again about the church and end up wanting to come back and end up staying firm. It is a win win. Baptisms for the missionaries, and reactivations for the ward.
I am really enjoying my new companion Elder Simon. Without a doubt this transfer was done through the means of revelation. We seem to read each other´s minds. We are always cracking jokes, and we teach with the spirit. Normally when it is like this in the mission it doesn´t last more than a transfer, but I am hoping that he will be my last companion. It is possible after all. I only have this transfer, the next, and a half of the other one. Who knows. If God wills it, it will be done. But if not I will understand completely.
Well, I hope you guys enjoy these last few weeks of summer break. I love and miss you guys!
P.S. I got your package in the mail. THANKS!!!!